He added that the two vice-chairmen, Tulsi Giri and Kirtinidhi Bista, and seven cabinet rank ministers would be retained. The new faces would be "competent and with public credibility" and be picked from the RPP, Nepali Congress, communist parties or of independent backgrounds. The total number of ministers would not exceed 24 and they would form the core of a new alternative nationalist democratic political force to be set up in the next two-and-a-half years. The source told Rajdhani that many of the current ministers came from non-political backgrounds and had failed to be effective, and added: "Don't even think that His Majesty will give up heading the government. Given the crisis in the country there is no way the splintered parties can handle it. His Majesty's wish is just to conduct elections to a new parliament and hand over the government to the people's representatives."