"His Majesty must confer with the party leaders, set up an all-party government and hold elections as soon as possible."
"I haven't met the king since Tulsi Giri became close to him. Giri's line and mine are divergent. The king says the party leaders aren't cooperating, how can they when he locked them all up?"
"Our party, the RPP, is a pro-monarchy party but that doesn't mean we will do everything the king says."
"The call for a republic is just a slogan. The monarchy is a symbol of national unity. Even Girijababu has said it just to scare (the king) but a senior leader like him should have been more careful about rabble-rousing."
"I don't want to give so much importance to the Maoists just because they have taken up the path of violence. If the king had worked with the parties we'd have solved this Maoist problem by now. There would be elections and a representative parliament."
"The king ordered the politicians locked up-maybe the army was just following orders but should the army obey everything? They shouldn't. What will happen if there is an independent court-these things will come out. And if the court asks the army chief and the police chief they can't say they were just following orders."