The Guest Column by Hemlata Rai ('A peace vigil' #261) is ideological rhetoric strongly lacking pragmatism. I agree that anti-Maoist groups are causing violence but I don't see any alternative. The security forces are very thinly spread and can't be everywhere. How are the villagers to protect themselves? Three years ago a man was buried alive in Parbat, a member of the RPP was abducted and both his eyes were gouged out A man was crucified and nailed to a tree. Faced with such brutality, what are the people to do? If the government can't protect the people, the people will protect themselves. It is really easy for urban intellectuals like Hemlata Rai to write about vigilantes but if she had seen the Maoist mutilation of a fellow-farmer, or Maoists force-marching villagers to be used as human shields she would also support vigilanteism. Nepal's villagers see the Maoists first-hand, they don't see them on tv or read about them. When Maoist assassins come to them they don't come with human rights people or Nepali Times reporters. Someone writing an article in Kathmandu is not going to protect them. Rai argues that vigilanteism will lead to anarchy, but most villages are already facing anarchy due to the rebel violence. I am not a rightwing nut, but I do believe desperate people need self-protection.
A Thapa,