Paradoxically, the Maoists' own people's education curriculum doesn't seem that different from authoritarian monarchists. The rebels' Regional Peoples' Education Division' for Rukum and Rolpa has issued its curriculum for Grades 1-3 in which students will be asked not to recognise the king and queen of Nepal, but the portraits of Marx, Mao and Prachanda.
The Social Studies curriculum for Grade 1 says: 'Students should be able to recognise the flags of the communist party, the people's council and fraternal people's organisations, to recite the full names of the party and people's government and remember the names, place and date of births and deaths of Marx, Lenin, Mao and the date and place of birth of Prachanda.' In Grade Three, teachers are asked to make sure that students know the life story of Prachanda.
The head of the Maoist Regional People's Education Division, Comrade Tufan Singh, says: "We are proud that the students will be learning about the proletarian class struggle and its leadership and martyrs." He says the new curriculum will be required in schools all over the country.