Nice of you to translate Khim Ghale's 'Royal Nepali Army wins the heart and minds in Congo' (From the Nepali Press, #210). Nepalis have great capacity to work in troubled areas, and with the troublesome people. The congloese love the Nepali soldiers. Only if the same could be said about back home. Why is it so difficult for the Royal Nepali Army to sin the hearts and minds of their own brothers and sisters in Nepal? Why don't they use some of the peacekeeping skills they show in the Congo in Nepal? These are very important questions we need to answer, if we are really serious to manage the conflict. The major cause of any success is 'attitude'. If our army's attitude in foreign soil can be so positive, why can't they be positive in their own soil and communities? I am not blaming the army, just trying to figure out why the army can't do the same thing in Nepal that it is doing in faraway Congo.
Laxmi Bhatta,