Some comments about Nepali Times. Firstly, the internet polls in your newspaper don't really represent the general public. I am not suggesting any dishonesty on your part, but perhaps the voters are the same every week, and number too few to come up with a representational statistic. Being a leading newspaper, this could send the wrong message to readers-remember the article by Baburam Bhattarai where he thanked the public for supporting the Maoists based on your poll? Secondly, humour is a wonderful thing, but it has its place. No one wants to pick up the paper and read pages of gloom, but Kunda Dixit's column, as much as I admire his wit, has started to feel out of place. It's time a journalist of such high standing took a more responsible role. And for god's sake, the golf column is ridiculously out of place in a country like Nepal.
Pradeep Singh,