We are hearing about elections. It is a ploy to remain in power. The nominated prime minister keeps on harping about elections which are just not possible in the present circumstances. Another trick could be to stage the drama of elections and get the supporters in the fake parliament to keep the country in the shackles of slavery. But both of these options will not end the conflict in the country. Instead, clashes will increase, and that will be the way of our life. This conflict, however, will decide that there must be no compromise on our liberty and rights.
The Maoists have become a serious hurdle in our movement. On one hand, they protest inequality, the undemocratic system and feudocracy of the king, but on the other, they spread terrorism by murdering political workers and innocent people. We have repeatedly tried to make the Maoists correct their mistakes.
We admit that political parties have made mistakes in the past and that they must realize their follies. Some people in the parties have committed crimes too. There is a need to stop such crimes and punish the culprits. But it is not correct to implicate all the parties just because few politicians did wrong in the past.
When we talk about punishment, we do not mean that the people's rights to punish the guilty ones must be transferred to the king. What we mean is that the king must remain within the framework of a constitutional monarchy. But if the king is not satisfied with the idea, it is time to ask if constitutional monarchy really suits the soil of Nepal.