What's the point? your editorial asks (#184). I say, the point is:
Rise up, rise up
you farmer, you worker,
you warrior, you preacher
tell your leaders
that we matter.
Wake up, wake up
you dalit, you women,
you children, you parents
tell the moabadis, the khaobadis, the political parties, the monarchy
we will not be ignored
Open up, Open up
you janjatis, you paharis,
you madhesis, you bhoteys
don't you see
we are the power
Get up, Get up
you Nepali, you Gorkhali
raise your hands
to show them the strength
Stand up, Stand up
you city dweller, you villager
for your rights
Come out, Come out
you from the mountains,
you from the hills, you from the terai
show them
your force
Link up, Link up
you Hindus, you Buddhists,
you Muslims
hand in hand
come out into the streets
Shout up, Shout up
you rich, you poor
no more, no more
of this
Roar up, Roar up
you lower class, you middle class, you upper class
we have had enough
are the people
We are
by the people
We are
for the people
SN Singh,