Many of our friends have been wounded. Many of them face legal charges. The army and the police have detained others. Security personnel killed a brother who had just returned from taking care of his hospitalised sister in Pokhara. We students are being killed in the name of controlling the Maoists. We are fighting for the reinstatement of democracy and for educational reforms.
We have the support of the people because they realise that the king betrayed the political parties in previous meetings. Now that such talks are taking place again, the movement is not about to lose momentum. Our leaders' dialogue with the king should not have any negative effect on our struggle. If the political parties decide to end the movement without attaining the goals for which there has been so much of bloodshed, they will suffer. But we believe that the parties will never make such a move.
The movement began with demands for the restoration of parliament or the formation of an-all party government. Since the king has not acceded to these demands, the present movement will not stop even if there is an all-party government. The king and the political parties must understand this. There have to be some changes in the constitution ensuring that power is restored to the people permanently.
Some goals are attained in the long-run. Some have been campaigning for constitutional monarchy but we think that concept needs to be overhauled. After all, the monarch is responsible for reversing Nepal's democracy time and again. It is unreasonable to think Nepal needs to keep a constitutional monarch. Today, we may need a king, but the political parties must begin to think of ultimately moving away from a monarchy. We may not be able to unseat the king, but we will be satisfied if his powers are curtailed and democracy restored.