In line with the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, the government has formed a Poverty Alleviation Fund. Officials say it will be an autonomous body to work in poverty-stricken areas through non-government organisations and grassroots groups. "Our target groups are women and Dalits and the fund will help them get access to health and other primary services," the fund's executive director Shankar Raj Joshi told us. The fund will use bilateral, multilateral and government funds. "In this regard, we are already holding talks with the World Bank." The World Bank is considering a $70 million Poverty Reduction Strategy Credit which could be approved later this year. The government has appointed NPC's former vice chairman Mohan Man Sainju as chairman.
The government has also announced mobile teams to provide basic services in areas ranging from health to agriculture to the people in remote areas, but fears most teams will not be able to reach remote areas for security reasons. NGOs working with the poverty fund are likely to be more successful in delivering grassroots development.