At present, the government and the Maoist rebels are negotiating peace and women's participation in the peace process is being raised from different sectors. Our Maoist party and its sister organisation, the All Nepal Women's Organisation (Revolutionary), believes that the participation of women determines the success of any progressive change. We believe it is100 percent valid to bring up women's concerns at this point. However, our efforts are being scuttled by demands for the physical presence of females in negotiation teams. We condemn their failure in realising that the achievements of the Maoist movement are also those made by Nepali women. The revolution and our place in it must not be questioned on this point alone.
Our party empowered women with the ideology of Marx, Lenin, Mao and Prachanda to fight for a just regime. This is an immense achievement. The 'ordinary' rural women of the past are now strong enough to face class enemies on the frontline. Although our numbers are quite small in the decision making levels, on the lower levels the number of women equals that of men in the militia and the party structure.
To raise more women to higher levels, our party has made it a policy to encourage their participation from the bottom up. Our party appreciates the contribution, sacrifices and commitment displayed by women in achieving the present balance of power. Women made the Maoist party more vigorous and revolutionary in its fight against social injustice. Our other big achievement is breaking stereotypes and establishing women as brave soldiers for the cause. We do not need women in the peace negotiations to make our revolution a success, but we would appreciate their participation for its sustainability.
We believe ensuring the progressive political agendas of our party will ensure the liberation and unbiased treatment of Nepali women. The economic, political, social, religious, cultural and legal discriminations imposed by the ancien regime can be shattered. Only the roundtable talks, interim government and a constituent assembly can establish the foundation for equality.