Friends and well-wishers are concerned again about Subash Gurung, a Nepali national who pleaded guilty to the post 9/11 US federal offence of attempting to board an aircraft with a dangerous weapon. After working hard to see that Subash, who was cleared of any supposed terrorist connections when a US judge proclaimed at the sentencing that he had no evil intentions, they have been worried about rumours that the Nepali authorities plan to take Subash into custody once he arrives back in Nepal from Minnesota.
Apparently, though, they're just rumours. When asked, the Home Ministry, media outlets, and the Nepal Police told Nepali Times that they knew nothing about the supposed plans. Sentencing guidelines in the US would normally have called for a five-month sentence for a first-time offender with no prior record. Earlier, the court also ordered psychiatric treatment for Subash, which, his friends say, helped him greatly.