There presumably is some doubt as to the commercial viability of the Mountain Museum in Pokhara as a stand-alone business enterprise, when it does open to the public. ("Wanted: mountain memorabilia," #79). One way to get away from the mountaineering-only approach might be to broaden the scope of the exhibits available at the Museum, including the fine exhibition of Boris Lissanovitch's photos and memorabilia, which represent the life and times of the man duly acknowledged as the founding father of tourism in Nepal. Such an exhibition well merits a permanent home. For 150 years Pokhara has also been the heartland for the recruiting of the famous Gurkha warriors of Nepal, and there is an excellent Gurkha Museum which was recently moved from Kathmandu to The Gurkha Haven Hotel at the Damside. There is a world class butterfly collection in existence in Pokhara, but which is currently not on display. All these could add value to the Mountain Museum.
Robin Marston