There's another addition to the long list of people who have lied about their educational qualifications to get a job. Popular singer Ram Krishna Dhakal, an assistant fourth class officer at Radio Nepal, had submitted a certificate claiming that he had passed out from a Sanskrit school in Bihar. The singer resigned from Radio Nepal after he learnt that the Centre for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) was preparing to file a case against him. In accordance with a CIAA directive, Radio Nepal has not accepted Dhakal's resignation. Dhakal submitted a certificate from the Bihar-based Sharada Sadan Sanskrit Secondary School, but according to a CIAA source, the Bihar Sanskrit Education Board has certified that Dhakal's papers are false. Once the certificate was established as fake, the CIAA directed Dhakal, under the Corruption Control Act, to pay bail of Rs 60,000, the sum equivalent to a possible six-year imprisonment. Despite a CIAA summons last month, the singer has not presented himself at the centre.