It was felt that the Federation of Chamber of Commerce of India (FICCI) was not the right vehicle to take on issues with the government relating to larger industries and business houses. CII has been actively supporting the Indian government on issues ranging from fiscal policy to international trade. As Indian economic liberalisation gathered pace in the 1990s, it constantly expanded its activities by opening offices in different countries with significant business interest to India. Nepal's relations with India has never been pure business, it has always been adulterated by politics. Despite its assurances to Prime Minister Koirala last month to remove countervailing duties on exports India has yet to do so. For its part, Nepal has not yet acted on Indian pleas to curb illicit border trade. That is why CII's presence here was so crucial. It wasn't just symbolic: there were actual benefits in having the lobbying power to foster legitimate trade. Smuggling only benefits smugglers, free trade benefits everyone. Now the initial euphoria brought about by the formation of the Nepal India Chamber of Commerce (NICCI) and the 1997 signing of the Trade and Transit treaty, after which the CII set up shop in Nepal, have all but evaporated. Closure of the CII outpost here is going to hurt the credibility of Nepal's investment climate, the sanctity of various business-related fora in Nepal, and we are going to lose its mediating and lobbying role. It also time for hard questions: did CII really think that Nepal was not worthwhile, or did it just have problems with its Nepali counterpart? Why is the FNCCI mum? Ditto for NICCI. Are our government and bureaucracy fully aware of the implications of saying bye-bye to CII? Readers can post their views and discuss issues at [email protected]